Infinity Renewables News

EV chargers to see 29% year-on-year growth to 2030

EV chargers to see 29% year-on-year growth to 2030

The electric vehicle (EV) charger market is set to see a 29% year-on-year increase in sales through to 2030. This is according to energy market research consultancy Delta-EE, which expects the increase to happen despite COVID-19 dampening sales of new cars, predicting...

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Solar PV costs fall 82% over the last decade, says IRENA

Solar PV costs fall 82% over the last decade, says IRENA

Solar photovoltaics (PV) has seen the sharpest cost decline of any electricity technology over the last decade. A new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) found that between 2010-2019, the cost of solar PV globally dropped by 82%. Across the...

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A breakthrough approaches for solar power

A breakthrough approaches for solar power

One of the few parts of the UK economy to have a good April was solar power. The Met Office says it has probably been the sunniest April on record and the solar power industry reported its highest ever production of electricity (9.68GW) in the UK at 12:30 on Monday 20...

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